Remembering Ginny


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Cinco de Mayo is not for me what it is for most people. It’s my Grandma Virginia’s birthday. She passed away when my dad was only 19.

Having never met her, I don’t know much about her, but from what I do know, I’m sure we would have been the dearest of friends. She loved her family, was very affectionate and loved to bake.

She was working at a doughnut shop when she met my grandfather. I often think of that moment, like something out of a movie. Her in her bakery uniform and my grandfather strolling in looking only for a snack. I like to think it was the perfect “meet cute.” It must have been because just a few weeks later, those crazy kids drove to Vegas and got hitched.

She and my grandfather had two sons and raised them in southern California. She ran a strict but loving home and always had some delicious creation coming from the oven with country music on in the background.

Of all the people in the world dead or alive, I’d love nothing more than to have a day with her. Mom and Dad say I look like her (minus nose-got that from my mother’s side) and I must admit that when I look at our pictures side-by-side, the structure of our faces is very similar.



Born in the 1930s, I wonder so much about her life growing up. Being a teenager during the war, did she lose friends who were drafted and killed? What role did she play in the war effort back home? Was she scared? How did it shape her? What was it like growing up as a young woman in the 40s and 50s? If we did sit down and talk, what would she say about me and my life?

Tonight the parents and I went out to dinner and gave a toast up to Grandma Virginia, or “Ginny” as she was known to her friends.

Here’s to you, Ginny.

Miss you.

Monday Motivation

I start my new job today and I’ll be honest, feeling a little nervous y’all! Painted my nails last night and laid out my outfit. Funny how I can be in my late twenties and still have those school girl thoughts of “Will I make any friends?” “Where will my desk be?” Time to put on a smile and take that first step.

*Image from

*Image from


You Are Worth It


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You are worth it. If there’s something you’ve been dreaming of, something you want to do, but fear is holding you back, let me be someone to tell you to have 30 seconds of courage and go make your dreams happen.

Three weeks ago, I quit my job. Yep. Just like that. I just did it. Now while the series of events that happened happened very quickly, it was not a decision that I made hastily.

You may remember that when I celebrated my golden birthday in January I made a list of things to do this year. Well, I’ve been crossing off items left and right. (More on that in a post coming up next week.) When I sat down to make the list, it forced me to do an inventory on my life and I realized something. I wasn’t very happy professionally.

While I appreciated my job and the opportunities it gave me, I didn’t feel that I was growing. At this stage in my career I want to be reaching and reaching and soaring and I wasn’t. The first open window into what could be came when I was recruited for a job at an international PR firm. I went through the interview process “just to see,” and ended up being reminded of how starved I’d been. When I wasn’t offered the job, I was so disappointed. Once I recovered, I set my mind and my time to looking for another job.

I applied for dozens of jobs and landed a couple interviews. I also began setting up informational interviews, emailing my contacts and networking like crazy. Just a couple weeks later, one of the jobs I’d applied for contacted me and requested a phone interview. Of all the things in the hiring process, phone interviews terrify me. I feel like it’s so hard to have a good conversation with a complete stranger, let alone make a connection over the phone so they’ll want to bring you in for an in-person interview. From the phone interview to the two in-person interviews, the entire process was just SO easy. I’m not saying this to boast, but to say that it was just such an exceptional fit. I was looking for something very specific (to work on a team of PR pros and to be mentored and led by a seasoned PR pro) and I interviewed them just as much as they interviewed me. While this is a world-renowned agency, I initially wasn’t sold. I had lots of questions. In the end, we all just fit. It was a perfect fit. That’s why it was so easy.

So you’ve heard the professional reasons I was looking for something else, but there were also some personal reasons as well. The only reason I’m even bring this up is that it affected the timing. Three weeks ago yesterday, I quit my job. I quit my job with no job offer waiting.

Gulp. I know, right?! It’s honestly the bravest thing I’ve ever done and one of the things I’m most proud of in my life so far. How many of us are unhappy with our current situation, but can’t seem to muster the courage to just do what we want to do! I’d thought (and prayed) about my reasons, the circumstances and what I’d say for weeks, it just took 30 seconds of bravery to do it. It was hard, I’m not going to lie, but I’m so so glad I took charge and made a proactive decision to have the life I wanted.

Moment of honesty: After I quit my job, I couldn’t stop thinking, “OMG! I just quit my job! Did I just do that? O.M.G” It’s definitely not something I thought I’d ever do.

Ready for the crazy blessing part? The very next morning, not even 24-hours after I quit my job, I received an offer from the “perfect fit agency.”

In between I’ve had some glorious time off and I feel so rested, restored and ready to start at my new position on Monday! Having this job actually provides everything that I want out of my life both personally and professionally right now. The agency’s offices are in my hometown, so I am exchanging a 45-minute commute for a 5-7 minute one. Next month, I’ll be moving out of my parent’s house and into my own place!! (Seriously, get up and do a happy dance with me on this one.) While my parents are legit amazing and have turned into wonderful roommates, I’ve also been through a long season of illness in the last four years and being able to move out of that with improved health and a new job is HUGE.

There’s been so much change in the last month, I find myself overwhelmed with blessings. An abundance of blessings.

My take-a-way for you is a Henry David Thoreau quote, “Live the life you imagined.” Make a plan, think it thorough, muster those 30 seconds of courage and go do it.

You’re worth it.